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Finding the Best Bar or Club Hand Dryer

ars, pubs, and clubs need to provide their patrons and staff with well equipped, hygienic bathrooms that are regularly maintained and safe in use.  In order to choose the right hand dryers for your venue, there are a number of things that you should consider.

Ensuring Bathrooms are Safe

Modern hands-in hand dryers collect water from the user’s hands during drying.  This minimises the amount of moisture that ends up on the floor, and prevents slip hazards in bathrooms that could result in injury if customers are unsteady on their feet.

Improving Speed of Use

At popular times, bar and club bathrooms can become busy, so it is important to provide hand dryers which allow customers to dry their hands as quickly as possible to reduce the amount of time needed in the bathrooms.  The Mitsubishi Electric Wave i01 hand dryer is able to dry the user’s hands in as little as 9 seconds which makes a big difference when compared to a conventional dryer that can take up to 30 seconds.  This prevents queueing in bathrooms and improves customer experience.

Reducing Noise from Hand Dryers

Noisy hand dryers may not seem like a major issue in a thriving late night venue, but the sound from a conventional model can disturb customers and undermine their experience.  The design of the Mitsubishi Electric Wave i01 hands in dryer creates a smooth airflow that minimises turbulence and noise.  Coupled with an efficient fan and sound insulation, the unit produces just 57dB when in use – slightly quieter than a normal conversation.  

Improving Energy Efficiency

With high electricity costs creating challenges for hospitality, selecting the most efficient appliances is important in reducing energy use.

The advanced design of the Mitsubishi Electric Wave range of hand dryers includes jet technology that is coupled with an ultra-efficient fan and motor that reduces energy costs by approximately 67% when compared to conventional designs, and by more than 90% compared to paper towels!

Find Out More

We can help you choose the best hand dryers for your bar or club.  Request a demonstration of our range today by contacting a member of our team.

Wave i01
Wave u02

01707 288780