Finding the Best Hospital Hand Dryer
In hospitals, like any health care environment, hygiene is always paramount. Ensuring that staff and patients can clean and dry their hands is vitally important in protecting health and preventing the spread of infections. Choosing the best hand dryers for hospitals is an important part of planning.
Maintaining Good Hand Hygiene
A key part of infection control in any healthcare environment such as a hospital or clinic is to ensure that hands are cleaned regularly and properly dried. The use of sanitiser when entering and leaving patient areas helps to control pathogens, but must be combined with proper, regular hand washing.
Jet hand dryers are much more effective at helping keep hands clean than conventional warm air designs. Whereas traditional hand dryers use evaporation to remove moisture, a jet dryer blows water off the surface of the hands. This means that there is no residue left behind from hand washing that might contain bacteria that could be spread.
The use of a hands-free no-touch design is also an important feature. Without contact with the dryer when in use, there is less chance that any pathogens can be transferred from one person to another.