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Finding the Best Public Toilet Hand Dryer

Public bathrooms in high traffic locations such as city centres, shopping malls, and stations have specific considerations when choosing the best hand dryer.  High levels of usage means that hygiene is essential, and energy efficiency is a key consideration in reducing energy costs.

Improving Hygiene and Preventing the Spread of Germs

Poor hygiene in public bathrooms can be a major factor in the spread of infections, and regular cleaning of facilities is essential in avoiding transmission of germs from one person to another.  Choosing no touch hand dryer designs from the Mitsubishi Electric Wave range removes one potential point of contact where people can spread bacteria.

In addition to a no-touch design for hand dryers, Mitsubishi Electric Wave i01 and u02 models are manufactured with anti-bacterial materials which stop most pathogens from breeding and are simple to wipe clean as part of your regular cleaning schedule.

Reducing Energy Costs

In a busy location such as a mainline station, thousands of people may be using the bathroom each day, which can lead to very high energy costs.  For every hundred uses per day, a Mitsubishi Electric Wave u02 hands under hand dryer, with its ultra-efficient design can reduce energy costs by two thirds to around £10.

At London’s busiest station – Waterloo – which has some 41 million passengers per year, using Mitsubishi Electric Wave u01 hand dryers could save almost £25,000 annually, and reduce C02 emissions  by almost 600 tonnes annually.

Speed of Use

Ensuring that bathroom users can use the facilities as quickly as possible helps to reduce queueing and improves user experience.  Choosing hand dryers that can dry the users hands as quickly as possible while maintaining excellent hygiene and reducing energy use can make a big difference.  The Hands-In Mitsubishi Electric Wave i01 hand dryer completely dries a person’s hands in just 9 seconds – around 25 seconds faster than a conventional design that uses evaporation.

Find Out More

We can help you choose the best hand dryers for your public bathroom to improve hygiene and reduce your energy costs. Request a demonstration of our range today by contacting a member of our team.

Wave i01
Wave u02

01707 288780