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Cost to Use Electric Hand Dryers

When planning or fitting out a building, the initial up-front price of equipment is often less important than the lifetime cost.  Hygiene appliances and bathroom equipment are a key example of this type of decision.

How Much do hand dryers cost to operate

The running costs of hand dryers can vary considerably depending on how they work.  There are two basic types of hand dryer available on the market:

How Evaporative Hand Dryers Work

Evaporative hand dryers are the type that you will often be most familiar with as they have been used for many years.  These dryers work by blowing air slowly over a heating element and then onto the user’s hands.  The combination of the warm air, and the user rubbing their hands together under the nozzle spreads the moisture from hand washing over the surface of their skin, to the point where the warm air causes the water to evaporate, leaving the hands dry.  This can take between 30 seconds and one minute to complete.

How Jet Hand Dryers Work

Jet hand dryers like the Mitsubishi Electric Wave i01 work by directing a narrow, fast-moving airflow directly over the skin.  Rather than requiring a heating element to evaporate the water, a jet hand dryer simply blows the droplets of water off the skin leaving it dry and residue free.  The process is much faster than with a conventional dryer, and can take less than 10 seconds, depending on the power.

Difference in running costs

Because jet hand dryers do not require a heating element and work much more quickly than a conventional dryer, they naturally use less electricity to dry the user’s hands and as such, will cost less to operate over time.

When additional factors including automated switch off when no hands are present in the drying area, and innovative, ultra-efficient motors are considered, the running costs of a jet hand dryer are approximately one third of a conventional model.

For every 100 daily uses, a conventional warm air hand dryer will use approximately £33 of electricity annually, whereas the Mitsubishi Electric Wave u02 model will cost just £11 to run.  In a larger building, with many dryers operating and high usage levels such as a school or hospital, the savings can be large.

Find Out More

For more information about planning the bathrooms in your building to be as energy efficient and cost efficient as possible, speak to us today.  We can provide you more information about pricing and long-term savings by switching to Mitsubishi Electric Wave hand dryers for your building.

Wave i01
Wave u02

01707 288780