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Improving Bathroom Hygiene with Hands In Dryers

Modern hand dryers use high speed jets of air to blow water off your skin after washing your hands. This is more hygienic than conventional designs which relied on evaporation and could leave a residue of soap and bacteria on the skin.

Choosing the Right Hands In Dryer

With a hands in dryer, the jets of air are contained by the shape of the device meaning that the water and anything it holds is kept away from the user and is not spread around the local environment. In fact, the Mitsubishi Wave i01 has been certified by NSF International as compliant with their requirements for hygiene.

Of course, hygiene does not stop with the hands. Mitsubishi Electric Wave hands in dryers are manufactured from easy to clean anti-bacterial plastic that stops germs from growing and have easy to replace air filters to ensure a long life.

Find Out More

Learn more about the Mitsubishi Electric Wave i01 Hands In hand dryer range. Contact a member of our team today, to request a demo and find out how our range of Ultra Efficient Hand Dryers can help reduce energy bills while also reducing the spread of germs and bacteria.

Wave i01
Wave u02

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