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Mitsubishi Electric Hands Under Hand Dryers

The Mitsubishi Electric Wave u02 features a modern design that dries hands quickly with fast moving air. This is more effective than traditional designs which used evaporation through slow moving warm air, meaning that it is much quicker in use.

Information about Hygienic Hand Dryers

A hands under hand dryer is wall mounted with a downward facing nozzle. Modern dryers feature no-touch operation with a sensor that detects when a hand is in position and switch on the fans instantly.

The fast-moving air is directed over the user’s hands and blows the water off the surface of the skin. This has the advantage of removing any bacteria that are left in the water. 

Learn More about hands under dryers

Find Out More

Learn more about the Mitsubishi Electric Wave u02 Hands Under hand dryer range. Contact a member of our team today, to request a demo and find out how our range of Ultra Efficient Hand Dryers can help lower energy bills while also reducing the spread of germs and bacteria.

Wave i01
Wave u02

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