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How much noise to hand dryers make?

The design of a conventional hand dryer makes use of a combination of slow-moving air and a heating system.  The air is drawn in from the surrounding area, passed through a fan system, warmed, and directed onto the user’s hands through a wide nozzle.  This design, which has been in use for many years can be very noisy and create a lot of disturbance in the surrounding area.

Conventional evaporative hand dryers emit around 85Db of noise – the equivalent of a passing train.  This level of noise can pass easily through walls and bathroom doors and create a great deal of disturbance in the surrounding area.  While careful placement of Workplace Hand Dryers in bathrooms can impact noise levels, it cannot eliminate it totally.

Modern jet hand dryers can reduce noise levels considerably.  The Mitsubishi Electric Wave u02 emits just 57Db of sound – the equivalent of a normal conversation, which creates much less noise pollution in any environment.

Quieter Workplace Hand Dryers

There are three main factors that create noise disturbance from conventional hand dryers:

  • An inability to use sound proofing.
  • High levels of turbulence in the air blown the dryer
  • A long drying time

The wide nozzle of a conventional hand dryer means that there is no clear gap between the fan system, motor, and the surrounding area.  With no sound barrier in place between the user and the motor it can be clearly heard.  Modern jet hand dryers use internal aerodynamics and thin nozzles to contain the flow of air into a narrow jet directed over the user’s hands.  A smaller aperture means that more soundproofing can be installed in the dryer and reduce noise levels.

Sound comes from air movement.  With a conventional hand dryer, the airflow from the wide nozzle is turbulent.  This creates a wide spectrum of different sound frequencies that can easily penetrate walls and doors and escape into the surrounding areas.

A smoother airflow from a quiet Hand Dryer such as the hands-in Mitsubishi Electric Wave i01 model reduces the range of noise created and as such helps to minimise disturbance in the surrounding area.

Drying time is an often-overlooked factor.  A conventional hand dryer can take more than 30 seconds to finish working.  With average daily usage levels of 100 drying cycles per day, this means more than 5 hours of stop-start operation.  By comparison, a jet hand dryer can take under 10 seconds to dry hands fully, meaning the total time in use falls to less than two hours.

Find Out More

Could quieter Workplace Hand Dryers help to improve productivity in your workplace, or improve the environment in your restaurant?  To book a demo or request a quote, please contact us today.

Wave i01
Wave u02

01707 288780