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New Electric Hand Dryers

When you are choosing new electric hand dryers for your bathrooms, it is important to think about ways to reduce energy use while also minimising disruption for staff from noise and delays. Modern designs can improve hygiene while also offering lower running costs.

How Electric Hand Dryers Work

In the past, most hand dryers worked through evaporation. The user would place their hands in a stream of slow-moving heated air and rub them together to spread the water and speed up the process. Waiting for the dryer to complete its work could take more than half a minute and use a considerable amount of energy in the process. Additionally, because the water evaporated away, any germs or soap residue left after washing remained on the skin.

Modern electric hand dryers such as the Mitsubishi Wave i01 work differently. An ultra-efficient fan blows air through a narrow nozzle which causes it to accelerate. This blows the water quickly off the surface of the skin and does not always require a separate heater – although these can still be used.

Electric Hand Dryers Can be Better for The Environment

A modern jet hand dryer uses less electricity than older models, which means that bills and carbon emissions are lower. Electric hand dryers are also better for the environment than paper towels. The manufacturing process for paper consumes enormous amounts of energy, and products may not be recycled for hygiene reasons meaning that they will be sent to landfill. The amount of CO2 emissions from paper towels per use is almost twenty times higher than an electric hand dryer.

Learn More about Electric Hand dryers

Find Out More

Opting for eco-friendly hand dryers in your building can go hand in hand with effectiveness. Innovative designs mean that Mitsubishi Electric Wave hand dryers work more quickly and use less energy. Contact us to request a demo and find out more.

Wave i01
Wave u02

01707 288780