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Drying Hands More Quickly is More Efficient

Efficiency is often described as achieving the same results quicker and at a lower cost. Choosing a faster hand dryer for bathrooms in your building can help improve efficiency in a variety of ways, from increasing productivity through to reducing electricity bills.

A conventional hand dryer that uses slow moving air and a heating element takes between 30 seconds and one minute to dry the user’s hands. Typically, that type of hand dryer can be used around 225 times for each £1 of electricity consumed.

Drying Hands Faster

Using a Mitsubishi Electric Wave u02 hand dryer reduces the amount of time to dry the hands to around 15 seconds in eco mode and can be used thousands of times per £1 of electricity.

In a business with five hundred people on site using the bathroom twice each day, the hand dryers should be used 260,000 times annually. Based on a £0.34 KWH electricity cost, thirty second drying time per use, and a 1.8KW energy rating, this would mean a cost of more than £1,300 annually, and approximately 2,200 hours of total usage.

In the same scenario, a faster and more efficient Mitsubishi Electric Wave hand u02 hand dryer with a 490w power rating, and an eleven second drying time could reduce the cost by 90%, and the amount of lost time by almost 1,400 hours which represents a massive saving.

Learn More about Faster Hand dryers

Find Out More

Learn more about the Mitsubishi Electric Wave i01 Hands In hand dryer range. Contact a member of our team today, to request a demo and find out how our range of Ultra Efficient Hand Dryers can help reduce energy bills while also reducing the spread of germs and bacteria.

Wave i01
Wave u02

01707 288780